Interface MKAdobePrimetimeConfig


  • MKAdobePrimetimeConfig


applicationId: string

Unique application identifier assigned by Adobe.

endpointUrl?: string

Base URL for all Adobe primetime API requests.

By default the staging endpointUrl will be used when this property is not specified.

But when specified the endpointUrl specified here will be used for all communication. This will override all default endpoints used.

To use production endpointUrl by default you can set isStaging to false and not specify the endpointUrl here.

Example: or

isStaging?: boolean

Indicates whether the default staging endpointUrl is used when no endpointUrl is specified.

By default when isStaging is undefined or true the staging endpointUrl is used.

Production endpointUrl will be used when isStaging is set to false.

When endpointUrl is specified no defaults are used.

mvpd: string

Relative Multi-channel Video Programming Distributor (MVPD).

requesterId: string

Unique identifier associated with the programmer.

Assigned by Adobe to your site when you first registered with the Primetime authentication service.

resourceId: string

The ID of the resource for which the user requests authorization.

slmt: string

Short Lived Media Token (SLMT) provided by the access enabler for hosting an application for a given resource.

upstreamUserId: string

Upstream user identifer

userId: string

User identifier