Interface MKVideoSizeLimitationConfig


  • MKVideoSizeLimitationConfig


maxSelectableVideoHeight?: number

Upper video height boundary for video qualities.

All qualities above this threshold will not be selected by the ABR logic.

These qualities are still available for manual quality selection unless the MKAdaptationConfig.exclude flag is set to true. Can be set to 0 for no limitation.

maxSelectableVideoWidth?: number

Upper video width boundary for video qualities.

All qualities above this threshold will not be selected by the ABR logic.

These qualities are still available for manual quality selection unless the MKAdaptationConfig.exclude flag is set to true. Can be set to 0 for no limitation.

minSelectableVideoHeight?: number

Lower video height boundary for video qualities.

All qualities below this threshold will not be selected by the ABR logic.

These qualities are still available for manual quality selection unless the MKAdaptationConfig.exclude flag is set to true. Can be set to 0 for no limitation.

minSelectableVideoWidth?: number

Lower video width boundary for video qualities.

All qualities below this threshold will not be selected by the ABR logic.

These qualities are still available for manual quality selection unless the MKAdaptationConfig.exclude flag is set to true. Can be set to 0 for no limitation.