Interface MKCastConfig


  • MKCastConfig


messageNamespace?: string

The message namespace for communication of advanced player functionality not covered by the Cast media controls. Only overwrite this if you are implementing your own custom receiver.

receiverApplicationId?: string

The application ID of the Cast application that should be launched when connecting to a Cast receiver. Set this if you want to use your own custom receiver application. If unset, the Bitmovin player cast application is used.

rejoinActiveSession?: boolean

Specifies, whether an existing Cast session shall be re-joined rather than creating a new one when casting starts.

Default is false.


  • Callback providing the possibility to prepare/alter the media info object before it is loaded onto Chromecast receiver app to change its media/source.


    prepareMediaInfo: function(mediaInfo) {
    // Signal fMP4 container format for audio and video
    mediaInfo.hlsSegmentFormat =;
    mediaInfo.hlsVideoSegmentFormat =;

    return Promise.resolve(mediaInfo);

    Note: This callback is only supported with Chromecast v3 (CAF) receivers.


    Returns Promise<any>

    A promise resloving with the altered object that the player will load on the receiver.