Interface MKSourceLabelingConfig

An object with callback functions to provide labels for audio tracks, qualities and subtitle tracks.


  • MKSourceLabelingConfig


qualities?: ((quality) => string)

Type declaration

    • (quality): string
    • A function that generates a label for a quality, usually a video quality.


      • quality: MKQualityMetadata

        Object with metadata about the quality for which the label should be generated.

      Returns string

subtitles?: ((subtitle) => string)

Type declaration

    • (subtitle): string
    • A function that generates a label for a subtitle.


      • subtitle: MKSubtitleTrack

        The subtitle for which the label should be generated.

      Returns string

tracks?: ((track) => string)

Type declaration

    • (track): string
    • A function that generates a label for a track, usually an audio track.


      • track: MKTrackMetadata

        Object with metadata about the track for which the label should be generated. The id field is populated when used for HLS, the mimeType when used for DASH.

      Returns string